Gain autonomy and well-being.


What is psychotherapy and what is it like?

Psychotherapy is a modality of psychological intervention that aims to promote greater self-knowledge, well-being and autonomy in people. The word psychotherapy is made up of two terms: “Psyche” and “Therapy”, so psychotherapy means healing of the psyche or healing by the psyche.

Therapy, like life, is a process. It can be seen as a journey inside yourself, to know and understand your desires, frustrations, needs, failures, etc. That is, understand the life path that has led you here.

Together, patient and therapist, through collaborative work, head towards the same goal, building a tailor-made suit, with the aim of the patient assuming the reins of his life, and freeing himself from what has oppressed him during so long.

To do this, it is necessary to maintain an attitude of commitment to oneself and to the psychotherapeutic work.” The active agent of change is you.”

Combination of individual and group sessions

The combination of sessions has turned out to be a very useful tool for my patients over the years, the combination of in-person and group sessions fosters different approaches and discovery that speed up the therapeutic process.

What is the process?

We start with an introductory talk that helps us get to know each other and understand the process and then we alternate between individual and group sessions depending on the needs of each one.

1- Test and treatment strategies


During the session we will talk to understand the circumstances and contextualize the patient's current situation; We will calmly talk about current and past situations. During this session we configure the plan to follow during the treatment


2- Individual sessions

90€ - 90 min.

An intimate space where we can delve into the experiences that have brought us here.

3- Group sessions

20€ - 90 min.

A closed space, limited to people in the same situation as us, that allows us to observe possible alternatives to our own vision of events or to find solutions in paths already explored.

You want to know more?


What benefits can psychotherapy bring me?

Psychotherapy brings great benefits to the quality of life and helps you know yourself better.

Below we present some of these:

    Understand the origin of discomfort. Get out of depression. Assume responsibilities. Discover internal conflicts and their symptoms. Get out of difficult situations. Learn from losses. Understand failures. Get involved in your own change. Free yourself from the past to live in the present. Legitimize one's own needs. Overcome feelings of failure and helplessness. Obtain motivation. Avoid victim positions. Understand what the complaint is and what its modalities are. Acquire a greater understanding of our needs and the ways in which we satisfy them. Gain greater freedom to the time to choose and decide based on one's own criteria. Take responsibility for one's own decisions. Take the reins of one's destiny. Free oneself from the gaze of others. Gain self-esteem. Live life with meaning. Stop procrastinating. Overcome obsessions.

What benefits can psychotherapy bring me?

Psychotherapy brings great benefits to the quality of life and helps you know yourself better.

Below we present some of these:

· Understand the origin of the discomfort.

· Avoid victim positions.

· Get out of depression.

· Understand what the complaint is and what its modalities are.

· Assume responsibilities.

· Gain a greater understanding of our needs and the ways in which we satisfy them.

· Discover internal conflicts and their symptoms.

· Gain greater freedom when choosing and deciding based on your own criteria.

· Learn from losses.

· Take responsibility for your own decisions.

· Understand failures.

· Take the reins of our destiny.

· Get involved in the change itself.

· Free yourself from the gaze of others.

· Free yourself from the past to live in the present.

· Gain self-esteem.

· Legitimize one's own needs.

· Live life with meaning.

· Overcome feelings of failure and helplessness.

· Stop procrastinating.

· Get motivation.

· Overcome obsessions.



(Online or in person)

We carry out individual therapy sessions in two ways, online or in person. As a result of the declaration of the pandemic and the obligation to confine ourselves in March 2020, the use of the online modality became widespread, both for individual and group therapies.

With this situation, we learned many things. One of them is that the form does not matter, since the fundamental thing to obtain results (like almost everything in life) is the level of involvement and commitment, without them, we will not reach our objectives.

The first interview is free. The purpose of the meeting is, on the one hand, to get to know you to understand this moment of difficulty that you are going through, your concerns and your needs. And on the other hand, being able to address issues such as therapeutic objectives and how to achieve them so that you can begin therapy with all the possible information and as many doubts as possible.


90 €

90 min.




Human proximity is not the same as physical proximity. The patient's involvement and commitment to the therapeutic process are the guarantee of results. We agree that being in front of a screen is not the same as interacting directly with the person; we lose many nuances and information that human contact provides.

But, on the other hand, as a consequence of the pandemic we have been able to learn new ways of relating, so in the online mode, we have gained comfort by avoiding travel, and most importantly for us, we have gained people from different geographical locations. (the place where the person resides is no longer a determining factor). Above all, we can move forward with our projects, since this is a way of not allowing circumstances to take over our lives.


20 €

90 min.


Group size: This therapeutic format takes place in groups of between 8 and 12 (approximately) people.

Group type: Open. In this modality, new members are admitted, as long as the group has not reached the maximum number of participants.

Opening of new groups. New groups can be opened, practically throughout the year.

Duration. Group therapy sessions take place from September to June, are weekly and last 90 minutes.

Topics to talk about. All those that are significant for each person and that make sense to share in the group. You are not obliged to reveal issues in your life that may make you uncomfortable. You put the limits.


1. Online group therapy, we could say that it is a therapy without borders. In the same group we can find people who reside in different cities or countries, and this variety of contexts is enriching for everyone.

2. Sharing your situation in a therapeutic group can allow you to channel your difficulty in a different way. We could say that, in some way, your situation is “normalized.” It helps you stop feeling like a “weirdo.”

3. Expressing your discomfort can free you from the feeling of guilt that accompanied you, since it allows you to understand that suffering is a common factor among people.

4. In the groups, you will find people of different ages, which provides different points of view and ways of facing life, since each vital moment has its particularities.

5. The cost, €20 per session.



    Commitment to attend sessions. A confidentiality contract must be signed before starting therapy. Everything that happens in online group sessions belongs to the therapeutic space, that is, the content or identity of the participants should not be disclosed. Empathy to try to understand the other's point of view. Respect when accepting a point of view different from mine even if I don't share it. Commitment not to judge the feelings of others.


Doubts that some of my patients have already had and that can help you focus the idea.

  • What is best for me, group or individual psychotherapy?

    Depends. They are not exclusive, it may be useful to combine them at certain times. The approaches complement each other.

  • Do I have to tell my entire private life?

    Each person is free to decide to what extent they share their intimacies and establish their own limits. It is not necessary to tell life in detail. It's about feeling comfortable to benefit from the experience.

  • Can a friend, family member or partner coincide in the same group?

    In principle no, it will depend on the circumstances. Having a family member, friend or partner present can restrict your freedom of expression.

  • What topics are discussed in group psychotherapy?

    Each person is free to express all those feelings, emotions and concerns that make sense to them at that moment. There is no specific topic for each session. There is no defined lyric either, only the same music: human suffering.

  • Am I too young/old to do therapy?

    It is a psychotherapy generally focused on adults over 25 years of age, since in order to make the most of the experience, it is necessary to have a certain life history.

  • Can I join a group at any time of the year?

    Yes. Throughout the year, new groups are created with a minimum of 6 people.

  • Do the groups always have the same schedule?

    When a new group is created, the schedule is adapted according to the needs of the participants.

  • Nobody has the same problem as me, will group therapy help me?

    It may be that no one has the same problem as you. Your circumstances are probably unique and your way of approaching life is different. In any case, it is about leaving behind a difficulty, or a way of facing life that leads us to suffering, and to do so it is necessary to acquire new resources.

  • Can I change groups?

    There is flexibility in terms of changing groups, whether for work, time or other reasons.

Be the captain of your soul, the master of your destiny.

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